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February 08, 2022

30 Ways We Can Support The Planet Right Now

The climate crisis is a call to action, and while the scale of the problem can be discouraging, there are still small ways for you to do your part. Below, we have curated a list of every day ways that you can help support your planet and lessen your carbon footprint.

Our planet still needs your support: Here are everyday ways to be more eco-conscious

  1. Be car conscious
    • Walk, bike, carpool, or hop on the 6 train
  2. Save paper
    • Switch to online bills and use both sides of a sheet of paper
  3. Unplug unused tech
    • Unplug your phone charger when you are not charging your phone, turn your computer off at night
  4. Ditch the plastic cups
  5. Use tote bags when you shop
  6. Get a water bottle and give up disposable ones
  7. Use LED light bulbs
    • Less heat, less electricity, lower costs
  8. Buy fresh and local produce and buy seasonally appropriate
    • Find out what foods just came in season here.
  9. Volunteer at your local recycling centre or restoration organization 
  10. Switch out your neon lights for candles
  11. Educate yourself
    • Further your education and the education of others by developing an understanding of the importance of natural resources
  12. Save water
    • Keep your showers as quick as possible, avoid taking baths if you can
  13. Keep chemicals out of our waterways
    • Use non-toxic cleaning products in your office and home
  14. Plant a tree
    • Keep our air clean while helping to save energy
  15.  Shop virtually and strategically
    • Buy items together to reduce shipments and save energy by shopping at home, or walk/bicycle to stores
  16. Donate to your local food banks
    • Find your local food bank here 
  17. Fill your garden with flowers rich in pollen and nectar
    • Sunflowers, lilacs, lavender, and poppies are all great options
  18. Print as little as possible
  19. Pick up trash when you see it, even if its not yours
  20. Wash your clothes with cold or warm water, and not hot, only do full loads of laundry
    • Also clean your lint filter after every load so it uses less energy.
  21. Maintain and repair durable products instead of buying new ones
  22. Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones
  23. Use a clothesline instead of a dryer
  24. Upcycle and repurpose your belongings and create something more valuable
  25. Run your errands in batches and with friends
    • Save time and fuel
  26. Unsubscribe from your local newspaper delivery service and read online versions
  27. Regularly maintain your vehicle to make sure it uses as little fuel and energy as possible
  28. Choose matches over lighters
  29. Avoid watching tv or movies when with friends or family, instead opt for activities that are use less energy like a card game 
  30. Share your knowledge & spread the support!

Check out our Upcycle capsule - each piece was made entirely from excess fabrics & materials from our previous collections.